Saturday, March 17, 2007

Final FRCA questions

Final FRCA, 28/06/05

Final FRCA Exam Questions:
(my friend had these questions for his exam).
Long case
36y male with neurofibromatosis presents with convulsions he also hadright sided homonymous hemianopia for last few weeks.
He is a smoker andalcoholic.
O/E consious, appropriate, no focal neurology other than the eye sight.PR 56/min BP 140/90mmHg.
ECG- Right axis deviation, Up slurring of ST in V4&V5.
CXR-RUL collapse consolidation and a well circumscribed mass in the midzone.
FBC Unremarkable except MCV89
BioChem Unremarkable except high
ALPCT posterior cranial fossa tumour looks malignant.
Nerosurgens want todo a craniotomy
2. Planned/ Emergency
3.Differential diagnosis Lung mets/ Nerofibromatosis
4.what is the % of Nerofibromatosis becoming malignant
5.What is R/homonymous hemianopia6.Alcohol intake what is the recommendation
How much is a unit of alcohol
7.ECG description
8.CXR description
9.Why MCV high/ Causes of high MCV
10.Why ALP high in this Pt normal billirubin
11.What other investigation you need
12. Will you proceed with the case
13. Principal of neurosurgery
14.What is the position for this surgery

Short Cases

74yRuptured aortic aneurysm while in the ward
What will you do now?How do you resuscitate circulation?
What will you do?
How much blood will you requestHow much will you resuscitate?How do you proceed?
Where will you anaesthetise?Take me through the process?
What induction agent will you use?Difference between Ketamine and Etomidate?What monitoring will you use
Do you need arterial line to start the caseHow do you monitor clotting

What is the principal of thrombo elastogram
When do you expect problems
How do you treat intra operative hypertension

26y Thoraxoscopic
Sympathectomy for hyperhydrosis
What do you see in the CXR- Pneumothorax
What else do you see- Subcutaneous emphysema
How to detect pneumothorax on the tableWhat do you do immediatelyHow do you insert chest drainWhere do you insert
Do you apply suction

25yMytonica Dystrophica

What are featuresMode of inheritanceOnsetWhat are the problems for anaesthetists
What is the principal of anaesthetic managementWhat is pathology associated

Basic science viva
Define Laminar flow/ Turbulant flow
Hagen Poiseulle’s formulae
Factors affecting turbulent flow & howWhat is the relevance to anaesthetistReynaulds number
Variable orifice flow meterPrinciple and relevance

Nerve supply of the foot Femoral nerve root valueRelation ship of those nerve to the ankle Ankle block performanceMaximum dose CalculationComplication


Benzodiazepine action how do they actGABA recetor MidazolamEffects/ Side effects Uses
Continuos infusion
Context sensitive half life define
Normal half life of midazolam


Draw clotting cascadeWhat is the role of the plateletsWhat is the importance of tissue factor
Fibrinolytic system

My viva questions, Dec 06
long case
middle aged Downs man for cataract, very anxious, has ASD, loud P2, XRC with prominent pulmonary veins, ECG with RAd and Rt sided strain, patient SOB.
1. summary would you proceed would cardiologist treat (diuretics)
4. how would you manage GA?

Short clinical scenarios
1. Failed needle toracocentesis for tention pneumothorax XRC
diagnosis, reasons for failure, what would you do next?

2. IVDU for operation- all routine questions from exam books
3. Prone position- all routine questions

Clinical science viva
1. Physiscs- everything about cautery
2. physiology/pharmac- ICT/ how different anaesthetic agents affect ICT?
3. Organ donation issues, neonates?

Cardiff SpR interviews

SpR Interview questions 1.

1. Presentation on any non-medical topic for 5 minutes.
2. What was the most useful course you attended?
3. Tell about the latest situation you called consultant for. Why was it necessary to call consultant?
4. Do you think we really need RCTs?
5. Tell about one audit which changed your practice.
6. What are your weaknesses?
7. Tell about cleanyourhands campaign.
8. Tell when you decided to do Anaesthetics?
9. Roll of internet in I & T.
10. when would you be available for job if offered?

Cardiff Interview for SpR 2Anaesthetics, Dec 05.

Panel 1
Presentation For 5 minutes.
15 minutes for preparation
Is it appropriate to deny the elective treatment for patients with self-inflicted co-morbidity?Related questions on presentation- Insurance, privatisation, finances ect.
CVTell your greatest achievement.
Tell why people would remember you in your last job.
Where would you prefer to work as a consultant?(A small DGH/ big teaching hospital)
What are you going to do during your SpR training?(Anything specific?)
Looking back at your career, what would you do differently than this CV?Little bit about sub-speciality interests.

Panel 2
Actor scenario-Explain the mum of a child who needs to go to ITU for suxamethonium apnoea after appendicectomy.Related theoretical questions on suxamethonium apnoea.
Clinical management question-
Paediatric transfer-Will you do it?What should be the competencies?What preparation would you make?
NHS and management question-What do you think of the idea of resident on-call consultant?

Panel 3
Research paper critical appraisal-What is the gold standard method?
Why a particular method has been used as a gold standard in this study?
What is Alfa, Beta error?What is study power?
What is Null hypothesis?Why Bland-Altman analysis is used in this study?Tell about this research study?What would you do this if you were the journal editor?

Audit, teaching, training-What is audit?Which national audit has made difference to quality of care?Which local audit in your hospital has made difference to quality of care?What do you need to get results from audit project?Why audits fail?

Panel 4
Dummy scenario-VentilationIntubationClinical judgementClinical decision making-

Adult for TKR on elective basis, what preparation, what anaesthetic options, details of regional and GA with emphasis on decision making.

SpR interview questions 3
SpR Anaesthetics Interview questions- Cardiff Rotation, September interviews.

1. Tell me something for which you are/will be remembered (school days activities, college etc..).
2. Should the health services be target oriented?
3. Who should monitor the training?
4. Obstetrics failed intubation protocol?
5. Caeserian section classification- grades?
6. Obstetric epidural procedure?
7. Pre-assessment clinic details.
8. Actor who was worried about cancellation of his hernia operation due to LRTI.
9. Research paper critical appraisal- in details.
10. How would you access journals?
11. Statistical techniques for comparison of & gt;2 study groups.
12. Do audits really help? Give example from your work place.
13. Severe COAD with INR 1.5- case management for hernia operation.
14. What if INR of 2 (on warfarin for artificial valve) and cardiologist advises stable haemodynamics throughout operation?
15. Dummy skills.

SpR Interview questions 4

My Interview for SpR

interview panels-
Panel 1- (20 minutes)
I was given a topic for presentation (15 min for preparation)-
How would you prevent cross infections in hospital?
(5 minute presentation).Related questions-Role of media in spread of health awareness. Will it be effective way to spread the message? How?
CV- important aspects of my CV?How are you planning to complete your ITU training?

Panel 2- (20 minutes)
Research paper discussion (They sent me a paper published recently in Anaesthesia journal- Critical appraisal of the paper).Related questions-Research, study, trials, prospective/ randomisation/ Double blind?Teaching & training-What are ideal teacher qualities?What are different teaching methods?What are different learning methods?Who do you learn?What is audit cycle?My audit?Do you know any recent audit which has made significant impact at national level/

Panel 3- (20 minutes)
Actor station-Actor (patient) was worried about the awareness under anaesthesia. I had to talk and explain him.Patient asked me the incidence of awareness (I didn’t know)(He kept asking- would you guarantee that I won’t be aware under anaesthesia?
Related questions- what would you do to prevent awareness? What is MAC? Monitoring to prevent awareness.Does it work?
NHS administration-Nurse anaesthetist- what do you think?Would they dilute our junior doctor’s training?Would it have a problem of profession demarcation between nurse anaesthetist and us.There is already scarcity of nurses, if you use up nurses for your fields then what would be the result?
EWTD-How would it affect you as a trainee? What are your solutions for that?How the consultants should improve their knowledge and skills apart from day to day working?

Panel 4- (12 minutes)
Clinical scenarios-

1.Sim man (computerised dummy with airway connected to monitoring system, which could adjust the sats according to your ventilation efficiency. Mask ventilation and dummy intubation .

Scenarios.2.Post operative hypotension, details of assessment, differentials, treatment.