Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Measurement of cardiac output

Sangram Patil

Cardiac output
§ Definition
§ Determinants
§ Ideal device
§ Gold standard- thermo dilution technique of PAC.

Clinical assessment
§ Low organ perfusion
§ Metabolic acidosis
§ R/S

§ Fick partial rebreathing method
§ Dye dilution
§ Thermo dilution
§ Arterial pulse contour analysis
§ Combined Li dilution APCA
§ Thoracic impedance
§ Doppler ultrasound technique

Dye dilution
§ Diagram
§ Graph
§ CO= Computer analysis of AUC for concentration-time curve.
§ Indocyanine green
§ Lithium dilution technique.

Thermo dilution
§ Most widely used.
§ Technique
§ Recent advance- Continuous CO measurement.
§ Status

Arterial waveform analysis
§ Pulse contour analysis- PiCCO (aortic).
§ Arterial cannulation- pulse contour analysis.
§ CVP line- transcardiopulmonary thermo dilution CO measurement for calibration.
§ Beat to beat calculation of CO from AUC.
§ Problems-abnormal waveforms, arrhythmias.

Combined Li dilution-APCA
§ Li dilution-calibration.
§ APCA-Beat to beat CO calculation.
§ PulseCO
§ SVR, SV, CO.

Fick Partial rebreathing method
§ Fick principle + CO2 elimination--NICO
§ CO2 elimination = V CO2/ CaCO2 - CvCO2
§ V CO2, CaCO2, CvCO2
§ Technique
§ ETT+IPPV, Rebreathing valve cycles through 2 phases- baseline (non RB), second phase (rebreathing), CO2 / flow sensor, ratio of change in CO2 elimination- calculated as CO.

Thoracic electrical bio-impedance
§ Flow from ventricle to aorta changes the electrical impedance.
§ Xiphoid electrode, neck electrode.
§ Not good correlation with thermo dilution.
§ Problems- age, fluid shifts, pulmonary oedema, myocardial ischemia, electrical interference.

Doppler ultrasound
§ Velocity of BF in descending aorta
§ Frequency of reflected US is changed depending on flow velocity in aorta.
§ V= 2.F0 / (C). (Fd). (Cosine incident angle).
§ > 20 degree angle- underestimates V.
§ Sites- suprasternal, trachea, Oesophagus
§ Oesophageal- Doppler transducer, M mode transducer, SV, 70% CO, ETT.

§ Sophisticated endoscopic probe.
§ Doppler ultrasound technique.
§ CO, V function, Wall motion abnormality, anatomy, valve function.
§ Doppler- velocity across valve. AUC for flow- velocity curve gives VIT ( velocity time integral)
§ 2DECHO- valve cross sectional area, CSA.
§ CO= SV. HR


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy

Anaesthesia for non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy
Dr.Sathish Krishnan

1-2% of pregnant women undergo anaesthesia during their pregnancy for surgery unrelated to delivery
M.C – Appendicitis,ovarian cyst,trauma.
Physiological and pharmacological changes important.

Maintain normal maternal physiological function
Maintain uteroplacental flow and O2 delivery.
Avoid unwanted drug effects on the fetus
Avoid oxytocic effects
Avoid awareness during G.A
Use regional when possible

Preanaesthetic assessment
Liase with obst & neonatalogist
U.S –if delivery is imminent
Symptoms of cardiac disease & ECG changes are common in pregnancy.
Radiology- minimise fetal exposure.
Relevant blood tests
Premeds-always include aspiration prophylaxis

Teratogenic effects- 15th -56 days of gestation
Studies- no increase in teratogenecity but increase in abortion, growth restriction and LBW
Problems were due to primary disease and surgery and not due to anaesthesia
Benzodiazepines not teratogenic & single dose is safe.

No elective surgery during pregnancy
Only tubal ligation in first 6 weeks after delivery
Emergency surgery-regardless of gestational age
Preserve the life of mother
If possible-surgery delayed until 2nd trimester- reduced abortion & teratogenecity - but no firm evidence.

Nonviable fetus
Same principles as for pregnant patient
Coagulopathy risk- should be corrected

Anaesthesia for conception & 1st trimester
IV sedation for invitro fertilisation, should not interfere with fertilisation & embryo development
Propofol – sedation, regional or G.A.N20 avoided
6-8 weeks-physiological changes occur , supplementary O2, hyperventilation.
Airway management- may be difficult. Nasal airways avoided
Reduced pseudocholinesterase (30%), balanced by increase in Vd.
Aspiration prophylaxis from beginning of 2nd trimester
Lower anaes.requirements.reduced MAC (30%) ,IV drugs in lower doses
Fetus assessed by U.S before & after surgery
Regional whenever possible

2nd Trimester
Aortocaval compression from 20 weeks (may be before)
Lateral displacement of uterus
Risk of intravascular injection
Reduce dose of LA
Hypercoagulable state-prophylaxis

3rd Trimester
C.section before major surgery
Surgery delayed for 48 hrs to allow steroid therapy for fetal lung maturation
Regional for section and then converted to GA if needed
Volatile agents in small doses- to prevent uterine atony
Lactation may be supressed, contraindications for breast feeding are patients on ergot, lithium etc

Fetal monitoring
After 24-26 weeks, FH should be monitored
Difficult in obese or abdominal surgery
Inhalation agents cause decrease in FHR variability
Plan of action if fetal distress diagnosed
Minimal uterine manipulation
No evidence to use prophylactic tocolytics

Anaesthetic technique
No evidence to show that regional is better than GA in terms of outcome
Regional minimises fetal drug exposure, airway management is simpler, blood loss reduced & overall risk is less to both mother & fetus
Risk of regional is hypotension- reduce uterine blood flow
Recent studies show that it is more important to treat the blood pressure than to worry about agent
GA only by well trained anaesthetist

Laparoscopic surgeries
Pregnancy is no longer a contraindication for LAP surgeries
Study in Sweden- 2 million deliveries- favoured lap surgeries than open surgeries
Why? Less exposure of fetus to toxic agents, small incisions, less pain, less analgesic needed, rapid recovery & mobilisation.
C02 pneumoperitoneum - risk of hypoxemia, hypercarbia & hypotension.


medicine teacher

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Most of the time our academic work goes unnoticed. Even we tend to forget about it after some time, though it is there with us in floppy or flash disc. Most of our academic material is for presentation or teaching a small or large group of audience.

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Another aspect is we can have access to this material anywhere and anytime.On website, this material is open to the whole world. Sharing our knowledge and hard work with others on such a broad scale is excellent idea, isn’t it?

I would encourage you to contribute to this website by sending me your presentations or any other academic material. It might be your lecture, personal notes or audit work, or case presentation. You can send me without disclosing patient identity or department identification.

I wont be publishing any diagrams or photographs on this website, so no problem with copy rights.

Do let me know your suggestions and forward me as much material as you can.

Thank you again.

Dr S Patil
SpR Anaesthetics
All Wales rotation

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Neurocritical Care

Neurosurgery & neurocitical care

Unresolved issues
•IV versus inhalational
•Nitrous oxide
•Sitting Position
•Triple H therapy
•Colloid versus crystalloid
•HS, mannitol, steroids
•Non-anaesthetic drugs

IV versus inhalational
•Research studies- failed to show any difference

Nitrous oxide
•Research studies- no specific study.
•Avoid in- air in ventricles, risk of embolism, pneumocephalus, reduced IC compliance & need of high FiO2


Sitting position

•Risk of VAE
•Studies- relatively low incidence of complications reported
•Careful patient selection, expert anaesthetic team, intra-operative monitoring

Mild hypothermia
•Mild hypothermia, 2-3 degree Celsius
•Moderate to severe hypothermia
•Research studies- conflicting results
•NABIS- no benefits
•IHAST- no benefits
•Head injury with raised ICT- clear benefit
•Immediate management of cardiac arrest- helpful

•Logic behind this
•Studies- Cochrane library report
•PaCO2 >4.0 kPa
•Routine hyperventilation avoided except as a rescue measure for herniation of brain

Induced hypotension
•Induced hypotension for global cerebral effect- not used now
•In past brief periods of controlled hypotension for surgical dissections and aneurysm clippings
•Temporary clipping of major feeding vessel
•Research- Controversy over which is better
•Clip might cause ischaemia as well plus interference with surgical field.

Triple H therapy
•Controversies- when, what fluids, how much BP, for how long
•Oxygen carrying capacity

Crystalloid versus colloid
•Volume required
•Response time
•Duration of effect
•Interference with clotting, allergy

HS Mannitol Steroids
•Research evidence

Non-anaesthetic drugs

•Nitrous oxide use is controversial
•Limited indications for hypothermia
•No routine hyperventilation
•Strict BM control
•Nimodipine, remacemide might be helpful
•Modern trend is minimally invasive surgery, awake procedures (functional neurosurgery)
•Modern technology like TCD ultrasound, JB oximetry, NIRS, laser Doppler flowmeter

Friday, May 12, 2006

Post cord transection

Sangram Patil

Spinal cord anatomy


Blood supply-
Single ASA, 2 small PSAs
Essentially no collateral supply between the two
Segmental vessels, large distance between them- watershed area between upper thoracic and lumbar region. Artery of Adamkiewicz (T8-L3).
Regulation of SC blood flow
SC perfusion pressure
Auto regulation- abolished by trauma

Pathophysiology of acute cord injury (ASCI)
Primary injury
Original impact and compression of SC.
No treatment

Secondary injury
Ischemia triggered by primary injury, and other mechanisms.
Systemic effects of ASCI
CVS, R/S, GIT, GUT, Temperature, CNS, Skin.
CNS- Central/ Anterior/Posterior/ Hemi section/ complete transection

Chronic cord injury/ transection
Spinal Shock

Autonomic dysreflexia

Other CVS changes

Blood Volume
Abnormal Valsalva response- no plateau, no overshoot.
Orthostatic hypotension- gradual adaptation d/t autoreg.
Increased renin-angiotensin response- salt-water retention.


Respiratory system

C1/2, C3/4, lower cervical- intercostal.
Reduced VC- might recover to some extent;
Increased WOB, reduced ERV/FVC (better in head up position).
Abdominal muscle paralysis- cough, atelectasis, V/Q mismatch.


Increased Ach receptors, K changes with suxamethonium.
Spasticity- due to intact spinal reflex arc below the level of lesion.


Reduced density below the level.
Temperature- perception, regulation.

decubitus ulcers, common reason for operations in them.
Anaemia, DVT.
emptying, shock-reflex phase (detrusor-sphinctor dyssynergia), predisposed to Renal Failure.
GIT- emptying delayed

Chronic Pain- 60% of them.

Anaesthetic implications:
Pre-anaesthetic checklist

Standby anaesthesia
Risk of AD- cervical injury, history of AD, urological procedures.
Spasm- proprioceptive/ cutaneous stimuli cause spasm of muscles.
Patient wish- IV sedation is a choice.
Previous procedures done as standby anaesthesia.

General anaesthesia
Sedatives, nifedipine 10 mg S/L.
Monitoring- routine, CVP/PAC.
Drugs-reduced circulating BV, small VOD for anaesthetics, more sensitive to IV agents, reduced ability to tolerate CVS effects, reduced renal clearance.
Propofol is well established now, ketamine- spasm, NDMR single dose usually sufficient.
Sux- avoid 3days to 9months.

Induction- large vein, preload, RSI not routine.
Maintenance- IPPV, risk of more drop in CO with IPPV.
Positioning- pressure points
Fluids- preload, meticulous attention to balance.
Anticholinergics at induction for low HR.

Autonomic dysreflexia- Halothane, enflurane/ isoflurane equally well. Increase the depth under GA.
Spasm- increase depth, relaxants rarely.
Penile erections- metaraminaol, increase depth.

Recovery- temperature, respiration. AD may occur in recovery.

Pregnancy- Increased changes of SCI, reduced CVS/RS reserve when there is increased demand

Regional anaesthesia..
Reliable prevention of AD with spinal.
Difficult to decide level of block
Dose-response relationship is not well established.
Epidural not very satisfactory blockade.

Procedures usually needing anaesthesia

Spine fixation
Intrathecal baclofen infusion apparatus
Ant sacral root stimulators, phrenic nerve pacing.
Urological procedures
Limbs, ulcers.
Other procedures.


Owen McIntyre

•Basal metabolic rate
•Amount of energy liberated by catabolism of food per unit time under standardized conditions, ie relaxed, room temp, 12-14 hours post-prandial
•Corrected for age, sex and surface area
•Normal adult male= 197 Kj/m2/hr; 40Kcal/m2/hr

•1 calorie=energy reqired to heat 1gram of water by 1o C
•1 Cal=1Kcal
1 kg of water by 1o C
•1 kcal= 4.18 kjoules
•SI unit of energy
•1 joule=energy expended in moving a resistive force of 1 newton a distance of 1 metre

•Nitrogen Balance
•1 gram of nitrogen=6.2 grams of protein
=30 grams of muscle
•Normal losses=0.15-0.2g/kg/day
•ITU losses can be> 0.5g/kg/day
•Mainly in urinary urea
•Approx 4g/day in skin/hair/faeces
•Also: proteinuria, GIT fistula
•Measured by 24 hour urea collection with corrections for other losses

•Multiple nutrient deficiencies
•Common in hospital patients
•Impaired healing
•Reduced immune system function
•Reduced muscle mass/poor mobility and weaning
•Electrolyte disturbances
•Carbs- hepatic and muscle glycogen = 24-48 hrs
•Protein- from skeletal muscle = 10-12 days
•Fat- from adipose tissue = 20-25 days

•Form of accelerated starvation with glycogenolysis, lipolysis and proteolysis/gluconeogenisis
•Malnutrition is a predisposing factor
•Assoc with severe illness, sepsis, burns, trauma and stress response to surgery
Common mechanism: catabolic hormones
insulin resistance
increased metabolic rate
increased oxygen demand

•Energy: 30- 40 kcal/kg
carbs= 50% (4kcal/g)
lipids= 35% (9kcal/g)
protein= 15% (4kcal/g)
•Water: 30- 40 ml/kg
1000ml of water for 1000kcal expended
•Nitrogen: 0.2 g/kg=1.5 g/kg
•Fat: 2 g/kg
•Glucose: 2 g/kg

•Na+ 1mmol/kg
•K+ 1
•Cl- 1.5
•Mg+ 0.1-0.2
•Ca+ 0.1-0.2
•Phos 0.2-0.5

•Careful history and exam
•Objective tests
•Subjective global assessment
•All difficult in ITU setting
•Nutritional Risk Screening
•Impaired nutritional status
•Severity of disease

•What routes are available for nutritional support?

•List the pros and cons for each route

•List the contraindications for each

•List the complications of each

•Normal gut function
•Nitrogen source is protein
•Energy from triglycerides and glucose polymers
•GI failure,pancreatic insufficiency, often NJ
•Nitrogen from amino acids or oligopeptides
•Energy from short glucose polymers, no lipid
•Specialist, Disease specific

•Nitrogen from L-amino acids
•Energy from glucose-50% lipid emulsion-50%
•Trace elements and minerals

•Fluid balance, calorie intake, ?weight
•Urea and electrolytes, phosphate
•Blood glucose
•LFTs, Ca and Mg
•Plasma triglycerides

•Significantly reduce mortality and ITU stay?
•Prevents gut atrophy, direct fuel for enterocytes and lymphoid tissue
•Conditionally essential in critical illness
•Re-feeding Syndrome
•Previously malnourished
•Low K+, Mg+, Phosphate

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Andy Ketchin


•Mr MJ,

56 year old male.

•House fire mid morning. Patient unharmed.

•Found with GCS 4 in house 5pm same day.

•Evidence of aspiration. No evidence self harm.


•PMHx No significant past.

•DHx No regular meds, or allergy.

•SHx Lives alone.
? Learning difficulties.
Smoker, no alcohol.

On Examination
•A Soot Intubated
•B Reduced air entry right lower zone.
•C Hypotensive Normal ECG.
•D GCS 4 Normoglycaemic/thermic.
•E No burns/trauma.

•FBC WCC 43, HB16.0
•ABG pH 7.26 pO2 7.9 pCO2 4.6 BE - 12.0
•Toxicology COHb 43.5% à 12.8%
•CXR Right lower zone diffuse opacity.

Problem List & Plan

CO Poisoning - Presentation
Mild – constitutional / viral symptoms.

Severe – seizures, syncope, coma myocardial ischaemia ventricular arrhythmias pulmonary oedema profound lactic acidosis

“Cherry red” insensitive

CO Poisoning - Pathophysiology

•Affinity COHb 240 : HbO2
•(Non smokers < color="#ff0000">DO = CO x CaO2

CaO2 = (k1 x Hb x SaO2) + (k2 x PaO2)

{k1 = 1.32, k2 = 0.23}

CO Poisoning - Management

Hyperbaric therapy:

•Reduced COHb t1/2

•PaO2 increased from 0.3 à 6.0 ml/dl.

Hyperbaric Therapy


•CO level > 40%
•CO level > 20% in pregnancy
•Severe acidosis, pH <>
•Delay < 6 hr
•Concomitant cyanide poisoning

Inhaled Anaesthetics

Jason Koerber

A substance above its critical temperature.
A substance in a gaseous state but below its critical temperature.

Definitions - Anaesthesia
“Anaesthesia” was first used by the Greek philosopher Dioscorides in the 1st century to describe the narcotic effect of the plant mandragora.

The word reappeared in the 1771 Encyclopaedia Britannica, where it was defined as “privation of the senses”.

After introduction of ether by Morton in 1846, Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the word to describe the new phenomenon that made surgical procedures possible.

Definitions - Anaesthesia 2
We measure the response to stimulation.
Does the patient move when their name is called?
Does the response to incision suggest conscious perception?
Does the heart of BP go up in response to surgical manipulation?
Does the patient remember events, conversations, or pain?
Regional or General?

Definitions - Anaesthesia 3
Anaesthetic agent: reversible.
General consists of the following components:UnconsciousnessAmnesiaAnalgesiaMuscle relaxation
Regional: blockade of pain transmission.

Measure of potency.
Minimum alveolar concentration at steady state that prevents reaction to a standard surgical stimulus (skin incision) in 50% of subjects at sea level.
Meyer-Overton hypothesis

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!


Diethyl ether
Ethanol and sulphuric acid.
High blood:gas and oil:gas coefficients.
10% metabolised to ethanol and aldehydes.
Nausea and vomiting.
Seizures can occur.
Increased salivation.
Increased gluconeogenesis

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!

F Cl F
Halogenated ethyl methyl ether.
Resp: dep, pungent, bronchodil.
CVS: dec SVR, tachy,
? coronary steal.
CNS: best balance of reduction cerebral consumption and minimal increase in cerebral blood flow.
Met: 0.2% (trifluroacetic acid, F-, CO)

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!

F F Cl

Halogenated ethyl methyl ether.
Resp: most dep, non-irritant
CVS: dec SVR, tachy, heart not sensitized.
CNS: high conc in presence of hypocarbia produce 3Hz spike and wave pattern. Increase ICP.
Met: 2% (F-)

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!

Cl F
Br F
Halogenated hydrocarbonThymol 0.01% preservative.Dissolves into rubber.
Resp: dep, sweet, bronchodil.
CVS: dec SVR, brady, sensitizes to catecholamines.
CNS: increases cerebral blood flow more than other volatiles.
Met: 25% (trifluroacetic acid, Cl-, Br-, F-). Hepatitis?

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!


Fluorinated ethyl methyl ether.Tec 6 vaporizer.
Resp: dep, pungent, coughing and breath holding.CVS: Similar to isoflurane but at conc above 1 MAC may produce stimulation.
CNS: increased cerebral blood flow
Met: 0.02% (Trifluroacetic acid)

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!


Polyfluorinated isopropyl methyl ether.Achiral - unlike other volatiles.
Resp: dep, pleasant odour bronchodilationCVS: dec SVR, HR unchanged, heart not sensitized.
CNS: increases cerebral blood flow. ? Post-op agitation in children
Met: 3.5% (F-), compound A

Name the Anaesthetic Agent!

H F Cl
H F Cl

Halogenated ethyl methyl ether.
BP 105 degrees.
Very soluble in blood.Blood:gas coefficient 13.MAC 0.2.
Fluoride ion caused renal failure.

Nitrous oxide (N2O)
lManufacture: heating ammonium nitrate to 250 degrees. May contain impurities NH3, N2, NO, NO2, HNO3. These are removed by scrubbers, water and caustic soda.
lBlue cylinders. Filling ratio.
lConcentration effect, second gas effect and diffusion hypoxia.
lResp: small fall in VT and increase in rate.
lCVS: mild direct cardiac depressant. Normally counterbalanced by central sympathetic stimulant effects.
lCNS: increases cerebral blood flow. Produces analgesia.

lInert, odourless gas.
lMakes up 0.0000087% of atmosphere.
lFastest onset.
lResp: increases VT and decreases rate.
lCVS: no effect on contractility but may cause small decrease in HR.
lCNS: increases cerebral blood flow. May be used to enhance CT images of brain.Produces analgesia.
lNot metabolised.

The bloody table!!

Obesity and anaesthesia


BMI = mass (kg)/[height (m)]2
BMI>28 obese, BMI >35 morbidly obese
17% of UK population are obese
Associated with BP, IHD, NIDDM, peripheral vascular disease, gallstones, etc…


Obesity is associated with

Increase in absolute blood volume, but it’s low relative to body mass
Increase O2 consumption by metabolically active adipose tissue & work of supporting ms.
Reduced FRC in awake pt, and significantly decreased following induction
Rapid desaturation.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome, causing loss of CO2 resp drive & hypoxia, polycythemia and pulmonary hypertension
Increase gastric volume, raised intra-abdominal pressure, and a higher incidence of hiatus hernia pose a significant risk of aspiration.
Insulin resistance may cause peri-operative diabetes.
Vd for drugs is altered due to a smaller proportion of TBW, greater proportion of adipose tissue,
Increase lean body mass, and
Increase blood volume and cardiac output.

Conduct of anaesthesia
Difficult intubation
IV access
Operating table
Thromboembolic events.
Regional anaesthesia

Post op
Post op mortality is doubled
Mobilize as soon as possible
Pulmonary atalectasis is common
Early physiotherapy.
Nocturnal nasal CPAP
PCA more predictable than IM morphine
HDU care should be available

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
At least 5% of morbidly obese patients will have OSA particularly if they have associated risk factors such as large collar size (over 16.5 inches), evening alcohol consumption and pharyngeal abnormalities.

The disease is cause by passive collapse of the pharyngeal airway during deeper planes of sleep, resulting in snoring and intermittent airway obstruction.

Resultant hypoxaemia and hypercapnia results in arousal and disruption of quality sleep thus causing the characteristic daytime somnolence.

Pulmonary and systemic vasoconstriction, polycythaemia, right ventricular failure and cor pulmonale can all occur.

lIndeed the relative hypoventilation can cause a progressive desensitisation of the respiratory centres to hypercapnia with resultant Type II respiratory failure.

Formal diagnosis is by sleep studies and treatment includes removal of precipitants, weight loss and nocturnal CPAP.


FLOW- the quantity of fluid i.e. gas or liquid passing a point in unit time.

F= Q/T

F- Mean flow
Q- Quantity (mass or volume)
T- Time.


In Laminar flow-fluid moves in a smooth manner and there are no eddies or turbulence.

The flow is greatest at the centre, being about twice the mean flow.

As the side of the tube is approached the flow becomes slower, until it becomes zero at the wall.

In order to drive fluid thru the tube a pressure difference, must be present across the ends.

Laminar flow has got a CONICAL VELOCITY PROFILE.


Laminar flow is not the only type of flow occurring in anaesthesia. App., breathing systems, airways and circulation.

Laminar flow may change to TURBULENT FLOW if a constriction is reached which results in the fluid velocity increasing.

Fluid no longer exists in smooth manner, but, swirls in eddies and the resistance is higher than for the same laminar flow.

Turbulent flow has a FLAT VELOCITY PROFILE.

Although bronchi and smaller air passages are smaller than the trachea, air flow thru them is slower so laminar flow is usual in the LOWER RESP. TRACT.

Laminar flow-VISCOSITY.

Turbulent flow-DENSITY.


Anaesthetists require a continuous of gas flows in the anaesthetic machine and this is provided by a VARIABLE ORIFICE FLOWMETER.
This is often referred to by the trade name ROTAMETER.

A BOBBIN is supp. In the middle of a glass or plastic tube which is tapered.

As the gas flow increases, the bobbin rises in the tube and the clearance round the bobbin increases.

In other words, there is a variable orifice around the bobbin which depends on the gas flow.

The pressure across the bobbin remains CONSTANT because it gives rise to a force which balances the force of gravity on the bobbin.

The increase in area of the annular orifice as the bobbin rises reduces the flow resistance at higher flows and so the pressure across the bobbin stays constant, despite the flow increase.


The entrainment of a fluid thru the side arm into an area of low pressure caused by a constriction in a tube is the basis of the venturi principle.
It is called the BERNOULLI EFFECT.

Some equipment may include a tube with a constriction in which the cross section gradually decreases and then increases –this is known as VENTURI.

This principle is employed in gas mixing devices, including fixed performance oxygen devices, suction equipment and scavenging equipment.


Dr Owen McIntyre

Define PONV

•Sensation that precedes vomiting
•Rapid expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth
•Incidence in GA with volatile between 20-40%
(Anywhere between 10-90%)
•Early: within first 6 hours
•Late: within first 24 hours

Neural pathways mediating N+V?
•CTZ: medulla, floor of 4th ventricle, outside BBB
•Primary NT is Dopamine, D2 (+5HT3)
•Vestibular afferents
•Raised ICP via direct action
•Metabolic abnormalities; uraemia, hypernatraemia
• Drugs: opiates, volatiles, etomidate, neostigmine
sympathomimetics; ketamine, ephedrine
cytotoxics, cardiac glycosides, apomorphine
•Efferents to VC

Neural pathways mediating N+V?

•Vomiting Centre: medulla, same level as CTZ
inside BBB
•Primary NT is Acetylchloine, M3 (+H1, ?mu opioid)
•Cortical affferents, limbic, olfactory,visual
•Visceral afferents, gut and heart (X and symp)
•Occulovestibular afferents
•Efferent compose Vomiting reflex pathway

Neural pathways mediating N+V?
•Substance P
•Slow excitatory neurotransmitter
•Acting at Neurokinin-1 receptors
•Loads of NK-1 receptors at key sites in medulla
•Could be final common pathway

Describe the vomiting reflex
•Complex: central, peripheral and enteric NS
•Reflex is preceded by retrograde peristalsis
•Increased salivation
•Forceful inspiration, breath held mid-insp
•Raise hyoid and larynx; closes glottis and opens crico-oesophageal sphincter
•Elevation of soft palate closes nasopharynx
•Contraction of diaphragm, abdo muscles
•Opening of LOS and relaxation of oesophagus

What are the risk factors for PONV?
•Patient factors
•Past history of PONV(3x)
•History of motion sickness
•Non smoker
•Early ambulation

What are the risk factors for PONV?
•Anaesthetic factors
•Etomidate, Thiopentone
•Bag-mask ventilation

How would you manage PONV?
•Assessment of risk
•Multimodal, ‘Balanced anti-emetic therapy’
•Prophylaxis vs. treatment

•Optimize fasting; clear fluid 2hours pre-op
•Pre-med; benzos, ?metoclopramide
•Regional anaesthesia
•Avoid volatiles and N2O in favour of Propofol TCI
•Avoid thio, etomidate, ketamine
•Avoid NMBAs and therefore neostigmine
•Avoid opioids if possible, alternate analgesia
•Generous fluid therapy
•Adequate analgesia

Can you classify antiemetics?
•Mode of action or site of action

What are the side effects of the anti-emetics you commonly use?

Strategy for the management of PONV
•A Simplified Risk Score for Predicting Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
–Apfel et al, Anesthesiology 1999 91:693-700
•4 patient risk factors were as accurate at predicting PONV as more complicated equations
Past history of PONV or Motion Sickness
Non smoker
Post-op opiates
•No association with type or duration of surgery

Strategy for the management of PONV
•Number of Risk Factors Incidence of PONV
0 10%
1 21%
2 39%
3 61%
4 79%

•If 2+ present risk is high
•Modify anaesthetic technique
•Multimodal approach

Evidence for the management of PONV
•Too much information!!
•Cost effectiveness: Individual drugs
Prophylaxis vs Treatment
•Patient satisfaction
•NNT much better for high risk patients
•Single antiemetic: Ondansetron NNT 5-6
•Combination therapy significantly better than monotherapy with no increased SE (Ondan + dex /drop)

Evidence for the management of PONV
•Multimodal Approach
•Scuderi et al, Anaest Analg 2000; 91
•TIVA: Propofol and remifentanil
•No nitrous
•Aggressive IV fluids(25ml/kg)
•3x prophylactic anti-emetics
•98% response rate

Fluid Balance

Body Organization

Cells exist in “internal sea” of ECF
Composition – primordial oceans
ECF = Interstitial Fluid + Blood plasma
18% protein,7% mineral,15% fat
60% - WATER

Body Water
60% Total body weight
40% intracellular
20% extra cellular
Extracellular – 25% intravascular
- 75% interstitial

Body Water
70 kg normal adult
TBW = 42 l
ICF = 28 l
ECF = 14 l

Measurements – fluid vol.
Inject subs that stay in one comp.
Vd = amount injected/conc. of subs
Mix evenly through the comp.
No effect on the dist of H20
Must be unchanged
Easy to measure

Plasma Volume
Dyes bound to plasma proteins
Evans blue (t-1824)
Sr. Alb labeled with radioactive iodine
Average value = 3500ml(70kg adult)

Blood vol.
Hematocrit (Hct)- % of blood vol made up of cells
Total blood vol. = plasma volume x 100/100- Hct
Red cell volume = total blood vol.-plasma volume

ECF Volume
Difficult to measure
Limits of the space are ill defined
Transcellular fluids
Mannitol and sucrose
20% of body weight

Interstitial fluid vol.
Cannot be measured directly
ECF VOL – Plasma vol.
ECF: ICF - infants & children>adults

Cannot be measured directly
TBW – Deuterium oxide D2O
Tritium oxide and aminopyrine
Water content of lean body tissue – 71 to72 ml/100gm of tissue

Conc. Of Solutes - Units
Millimoles, micromoles
Molecular weight

Gram molecular weight of a substance
One mole = 6 x 1023 molecules
SI unit for amount of substance
Mol. Wt – ratio of mass of one molecule of a substance to the mass of 1/12 the mass of an atom of carbon-12
Dalton – unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of an atom of carbon-12

1 eq is 1 mol of an ionized substance divided by its valence.
Small, highly diffusible, polar molecule
Solvent – hydrate proteins, sugars and other substances-
Dissolving properties
Thermal properties
Ionizes very slightly (pH 7.0)
Bulk Flow & Diffusion
Bulk flow –movement of the solution mass in the direction of hydrostatic pressure gradient
Diffusion – molecular movement down conc. Gradient
Disperse local accumulation of molecules if it is free to move
Osmotic Pressure
Fluid compartment – principal solute
Mainly restricted to that compartment
Plasma proteins: intra vascular space
Osmotic pressure – total number of particles

Solution – stable mixture of solute & solvent
Solute– dispersed individual molecules
Solvent – liquid bulk
Solute mol. Occupy space
Water mol. Net movement by diffusion.

Water – diffuse from region of high solvent conc. to low conc.
The extent of tendency for solvent to move – measured by use of semi permeable membrane. -hydrostatic pressure to produce equal and opposite bulk flow
Sum of conc. of all solute particles
Oncotic Pressure
Plasma proteins – albumin, globulin
Large mol wt & size –unable to leave intravascular space
Pressure diff between plasma and interstitial fluids
Colloid osmotic pressure
Amounts to only 0.7 mosmol/kg water

Thank you

Bronchoscopy & Inhaled Foreign Bodies

Bronchoscopy & Management of Inhaled Foreign Bodies

Anatomy of Tracheobronchial tree
General Indications & Contraindications
Discuss problems & Options for management
How to manage a patient with a foreign body in the airway

Tracheobronchial Anatomy
Airway generations 0-23
0 – Trachea
1-4 – Main Lobar & segmental
5-11 – Small Bronchi
12-16 – Bronchioles
17-19 – Respiratory bronchioles
20-22 – Alveolar ducts
23 – Alveolar sacs

Tracheobronchial Anatomy

Indications for bronchoscopy
Initial diagnosis (Flexible > Rigid)
Staging of disease

Indications continued
R/O Foreign Body
Stent Insertion
Diathermy Resection

Airway Management
Insertion of DLT


Don't exist?

Anaesthetic Risk
Surgical Risk - Biopsy
Tracheal Stenosis – Flexible type

Potential problems
Shared airway
Ventilation & Oxygenation
Potential for awareness
Concurrent disease

Work up
As for pneumonectomy especially if pre thoracotomy

What are they?

Minimal pulmonary function test criteria
Pre op Pneumonectomy criteria
PAP with unilateral occlusion
< 25 mmHg rest
< 35 mmHg exercise

Anaesthetic technique
Method of choice
TCI (Propofol +/- Remifentanil) for all but the shortest procedures
Upper airway obstruction
Bronchopleural fistula

Venturi – Sanders Injector

Ventilating bronchoscope

High Frequency Jet ventilation

Inhaled Foreign Bodies

Children < 3y.o.



Anything small enough to enter the airway
Organic e.g. Peanuts
Inorganic e.g. Coin

Case Example 1
2 y.o child presents after having coughing fit, stridor and shortness of breath
What is your management?

Case example 2
77 y.o man with a 6 week history of persistent cough

What are the findings on CXR?

X-Ray Findings
Acute presentation- Ipsilateral Obstructive Emphysema on Expiratory film
Chronic presentation - Features of collapse / consolidation distal to the FB
Anaesthetic technique

Inhalational Vs Intravenous

Upper airway obstruction or not?
Post operatively
When to Extubate?
Monitor for complications
Laryngospasm, Bronchospasm & pneumothorax


Indications / Contraindications
Problems & Management options
Specific management of inhaled foreign body

Heart Failure due to Systolic Dysfunction

Basic Principals
• Heart failure has a poor prognosis, worse than most forms of cancer
• Major risk factor - Goldman
• Seek aetiology
• Avoid it happening in the first place
– Modify risks
– Treat Myocardial infarction

• Reduction of mortality
• Relief of symptoms

Some advances in disease modification improved both morbidity and mortality
• Idiopathic – dilated cardiomyopathy
• Hypertension
• C2H5OH
• Viral - Coxsackie’s
• Systemic disease Haemochromatosis, Sarcoidisis
• Connective tissue disorders – SLE etc

• Increases with age
• Men > Women
• 3% of population 65-74 years
• 9% over 90 years
• 2,9% 25-74 impaired ejection fraction
• ??? Tip of Iceberg

• Definition not of much use – “inability…oxygen…metabolising tissue…adequate filling pressure”
• A Syndrome – not a diagnosis
• Breathlessness, fatigue, fluid retention
• Secondary to adrenergic and Renin-AT-Aldosterone
Treatment directed at antagonism of these systems

• Biochem – Haematolgy
• Angiogram
• Nuclear Imaging
• Exercise ECG, VO2, MET’s
• BNP – strong negative predictive value

– Abnormal in 93%
• Previous MI
• Non specific ST and T changes
• Conduction abnormalities
• ST
• Dysrythmias – AF, VE

– Dilation of Ventricles
– Global dysfunction
– Wall motion
– Cardiac enlargement
– Pulmonary Oedema

Disease modifying therapy
1st line drugs – given to all patients with systolic dysfunction whether symptomatic or not – 25% relative risk reduction
Combined with diuretic with evidence of cardiac compression – fluid retention
Disease modifying therapy
Many trials showed benefit with all grades of CHF, post MI
Must be free of decompensation and titrated up – start slow go slow
COPD – without reversible component - not contraindicated

Disease modifying therapy
Aldosterone Antagonists
Spironolactone been shown as effective in reduction of M&M with moderate to severe CHF
In addition to ACE/B-blocker
Caution – renal impairment – hyper K

Disease modifying therapy
AT-II receptor antagonists
ACE intolerant patients – shown to be effective
In addition - Mortality reduced 15%

Symptomatic Therapy
Well established place
Over treatment can have adverse effect on outcome – low dose
Fluid restriction may be needed
Monitor renal function

Symptomatic Therapy
Role less clear
Introduce when symptomatic despite maximal medical therapy or AF
Studies excluded AF – no benefit
For symptomatic, frequent hospitalisation, large hearts
Avoid in Ventricular Dysrythmias
Other Pharmacological Therapy
IHD – Aspirin (AF – Warfarin)
Statin – Benefit in prevention IHD proven – recently safety aspects.
Anaemia – Predicts mortality independently
EPO and Iron therapy been shown to be of benefit
Avoid NSAID’s, Ca antagonists, steroids, TCA, class I anti-arrhythmic - exacerbate

Non Pharmacological Intervention
• Lifestyle modifications
• Smoking
• C2H5OH
• Weight loss
• Exercise
• Immunisation Influenza, Pneumococcus
• Fluid/salt restriction – daily weighing

Device Therapy
Automatic Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillators (AICD’s)
When L-V-dysfunction, EF < 35%, IHD – benefits in terms of mortality
Cost implications
Currently only if dysrythmias

Device Therapy
Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)
Combine with optimal medical therapy may improve well being by correcting ventricular dysynchrony
Pacing in DDD mode

Device Therapy
LV Assist Devices
Help – take over pump function in series
Bridge to transplantation
Surgical Options
Ventricular remodelling
Significant 1 year mortality – 19%
Life expectancy 10 years
Must be otherwise well

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Carotid Endarterectomy

Indications for CEA

(NASCET & ECET trials)
• TIA & ipsilateral lesion >70%
• Failure of medical mix with >40% stenosis
• Established stroke- should be perceptible benefit
• Asymptomatic with bruit & >70% stenosis

Neurological Monitoring- Why?
• 1° goal - Identify patients that would benefit from placement of a shunt.
• 2° goal - Identify patients who may benefit from BP augmentation.
• N.B.- The concept of selective shunting not accepted by all surgeons.
• Most intra-operative strokes are thomboembolic and most peri-operative strokes are postoperative.

Neurologic Monitoring- Types

Monitors of function
• Awake patient
• EEG- Standard Vs processed.
• Somatosensory evoked potentials

Monitor of O2 supply & demand
• Jugular SvO2/ Cerebral Oximetry

Neurologic monitoring_ Types

Monitors of blood flow
• Internal carotid artery stump pressures
• Transcranial doppler
• Radioactive Xe 133

Awake patient
• At first glance the simplest and most non-invasive methods is to maintain direct contact with the patient.

• Requires some form of loco-regional anaesthesia, a spare nurse and the ability to communicate well with the patient.

• 2-3% conversion rate to GA
Stump pressures
• Represents back pressure from collateral flow through the circle of Willis.

• Advantage of being cheap, continuous and little expertise is required.

• Criticisms
– Inaccurate
– Critical stump pressure unknown (? <50mmHg)

Standard EEG
• 16-20 channel continuous in real-time.
• No false negatives in a series of >2000 patients @ Mayo Clinic.
• Gold standard of EEG analysis but requires an experienced electroencephalographer.
• Minimum of 2 channels per hemisphere provided territory of MCA included.
• 100% sensitivity and specificity.

Normal a wave EEG
Processed EEG- what is it?
• Resurgence because of increased power of microprocessors to do the algorithms.
• 2 types - Power or Bispectral analysis.
• Power analysis uses Fourier transformation to convert raw EEG signal into its component sine waves of an identifiable frequency and amplitude.

Processed EEG- what is it?
• These amplitudes and frequencies are plotted for against time and displayed as either a compressed or density spectral array CSA or DSA.
• Bispectral is a recent development finding a niche as an anaesthetic depth monitor.
Technique to generate Compressed spectral array
CSA during hypotension

Processed EEG- Why use it?
• Cross-clamp during CEA is a unilateral time specific event involving a large part of the hemisphere.
• These are the best circumstances for interpreting the processed EEG.
• Allows ‘black box’ approach to EEG interpretation by novices. 91-98% sensitivity and specificity

Processed EEG
• Criticisms
– Electronically remote from original.
– Less information.
– Bilateral Vs Unilateral. Not 100% reliable.
– Data acquisition period. Not 100% real-time.

Limitations of EEG generally
• EEG not ischemia specific.
• May not detect subcortical or small cortical infarcts.
• Patients with pre-existing, bilateral or contralateral cerebrovascular disease.
• False negatives
• False positives

Somatosensory evoked potentials
• Sensory cortex is primarily supplied by the MCA
• Repetitive electrical stimuli applied to a peripheral nerve and the responses are averaged to produce the evoked response.
• Generally 4 channels are necessary
• A control site should be monitored as well to differentiate global factors- Anaesthetic & metabolic
• Characteristic changes of ischemia are a decrease in amplitude and/or increase in latency.

• Validated in animals but not in humans intra-operatively.

• Usually median nerve at the wrist chosen for CEA- Short latency more resilient.
Short latency SSEP from median nerve at the wrist

Jugular venous Saturation & Cerebral Oximetry
• Both are measures of the balance between cerebral oxygen supply and demand.

• However, limited benefit in this setting because they are a measure of global oxygenation and regional variations would go undetected.
Transcranial Doppler
• Use of doppler shift phenomenon
• Temporal bone used as window (relatively thin) to measure flow velocity in the MCA.
• Assumptions
– Flow µ flow velocity only if diameter of vessel and measurement angle of doppler probe remain constant.
– CBF in basal arteries µ cortical CBF.
Transcranial doppler
• Not only allows continuous measurement of mean blood flow but also detection of embolic events.
• Postoperative TCD has been used in one centre as a basis to treat with dextrans.
Normal TCD trace

Transcranial doppler
• Criticisms
– Doesn’t allow for normal variation in flow velocities, which appears to be large.
– CBF and MCAv not well correlated.
– Cross clamping a relatively short period and most strokes occur at other times during or after surgery.

Radioactive Xenon
• Injected intravenously or into ipsilateral carotid typically pre, during and post clamping.
• Detectors placed over the ipsilateral area supplied by the MCA.
• Decay curves are then analysed.
• Expense and expertise required are the limiting factors.

• Each has its pros and cons.
• Use some form of neurologic monitor.
• One that suits you and your surgeon.

Methods to reduce blood transfusion

Alternative Therapies to Reduce Blood Transfusion

Blood Conservation
Preop –
Intra op –
Post op –

Pre Op

Assessment of patient, review blood results.
Drug treatment.
Donation of Autologous blood.
Relatively fit patients with Hb >10g/dl.
Up to 4 units.
Needs a good team, funding for programme.
Decline in popularity.

Pre Op
Iron – deficiency 14% women and 3% men.
iron – iron sucrose and iron dextran preparations.
iv bolus or iv infusion.
Can reduce blood transfusions and prepare patients for surgery in anticipation of blood loss.
Acute normovolaemic haemodilution.

Anaesthetic Techniques

Deliberate Hypotension
Arterial pressure
Patient selection
Various agents, techniques
Invasive monitoring
MAP – 55 to 60 mm hg
Venous Pressure
Patient positioning- elevate op site, avoid obstruction to venous drainage,coughing, straining.
Avoid Hypervolemia in certain cases.


T< 35.5 C – impairs haemostasis.
Reduce heat loss – inc ambient temp, keep patient covered, short procedures, minimally invasive surgery.
Increase heat input – warm fluids, skin warming.
Monitor temperature.
Pre, intra op, post op warming.

General Vs Regional Anaesthesia

Regional – low arterial BP,CVP, peripheral venous pressure.
Evidence is equivocal.

Fluid Therapy

Effect on coagulation – dilutional
Crystalloids less effect than colloids
Gelatins less effect than starches and dextran

Surgical Methods

Operative Techniques
Avascular planes
Progressive haemostasis
Patient position
Limb exanguination
Minimally invasive procedures- endovascular AAA repair, laproscopic surgeries, laser prostatectomy etc

Surgical Haemostasis

Ultrasound dissectors
Water - jet dissectors
Haemostatic swabs
Fibrin sealents
Cell Salvage
Surgical blood loss anticoagulated, filtered and collected.
Separated concentrated and washed.
Re suspended in saline and re infused.
Best if loss > 1 litre.
Major vascular, orthopaedic and trauma, hepatic surgeries.
Capital costs, disposables, training.
Reversible inhibitor of serine proteases.
Antifibrinolytic – inhibitory action on plasmin by directly binding to plasmin.
Supresses inflammation by inhibiting kallikrein.
Uses - orthopedic surgeries.
Reduction in blood loss ~ 50%.
Tranexamic Acid
Binds to lysine binding sites of plasminogen.
Blocks its binding to fibrin.
Prevents plasminogen activation.
Delays fibrinolysis.
Uses – joint replacement surgeries specially revision surgeries.
Post Op
Drain salvage.

Transfusion trigger.
Drug therapy – iron, erythropoietin,tranexamic acid.

Assess patients – optimise conditon.
Reduce blood loss.
Conserve blood.
Reduce threshold.

Team effort – consult hematologist.

Thank You

Septic Shock

Shock – Syndrome in which tissue perfusion is inadequate in supplying tissue metabolic requirements:
• Hypovolaemic
• Cardiogenic
• Distributive e.g. septic, anaphylaxis
• Obstructive e.g. tensionpneumothorax, PE

Septic shock:
Sepsis: source of infection, temperature >38 ‘C, heart rate >90, resp. rate > 20 or PaC02 < 4,3kPa, WCC . 12000 or > 10% immature forms

Septic shock: Sepsis plus hypotension, despite adequate fluid resuscitation, plus organ perfusion abnormalities e.g. lactic acidosis, oliguria and mental impairment

Definitions continue
SIRS: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome has the same definition as sepsis but can occur as a response to insults other than infection, e.g. pancreatitis or multiple trauma

Severity of illness determined more by nature of inflammatory response than by infection itself

Chemical mediators, complex interactive pathways, some are pro and others anti-inflammatory

Gram negative bacteria endotoxins activate mediators e.g. TNF, PG, interleukin, NO, macrophages

Pathological effects
Increased capillary permeability
Impaired tissue oxygen utilization
Myocardial depression

Clinical signs

Pyrexia, tachycardia, warm bounding peripheries and hypotension
Other: confusion, drowsiness, cool peripheries, tachypnoea and oliguria

BEWARE: young children
pre-existing pathology
steroids or beta blockers
moribund advanced sepsis

FBC: high WBC neutrophilia, low WBC and low platelets indicate severe sepsis
U&E: dehydration and renal impairment
Coagulation: raised INR indicate septic coagulopathy
Bloodsugar: usually raised
Bloodgas: metabolic acidosis, low C02 and hypoxia
Lactate: high due to tissue hypoxia
CXR: ‘ wet lungs’ or ARDS changes

Monitoring: Oxygenation & Perfusion
Routine non invasive monitors
CVP and arterial line
CO monitoring e.g. PiCCO
Urine output
Mixed venous oxygenation via PA catheter, normal >75%
Regular bloodgasses, U&E, lactate, clotting
Peripheral – core temperature difference, normal < 2 ‘C (more useful in low cardiac output states

Treatment: Restoration & maintaining tissue oxygenation
IV fluid therapy
Oxygen and PEEP

Treatment: continue
Appropriate antibacterial and antifungal drugs, microbiology input
Maintain normo- glycaemia
Activated Protein C
Prevent stress gastric ulcers
Other: PG’s, nalaxone, thyrotropin releasing hormone?

Multi-organ failure including ARDS, renal failure, hepatic failure, pancreatitis & DM, DIC, cardiac failure and coma
DEATH: Mortality 50%

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

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