Final FRCA, 28/06/05
Final FRCA Exam Questions:
(my friend had these questions for his exam).
Long case
36y male with neurofibromatosis presents with convulsions he also hadright sided homonymous hemianopia for last few weeks.
He is a smoker andalcoholic.
O/E consious, appropriate, no focal neurology other than the eye sight.PR 56/min BP 140/90mmHg.
ECG- Right axis deviation, Up slurring of ST in V4&V5.
CXR-RUL collapse consolidation and a well circumscribed mass in the midzone.
FBC Unremarkable except MCV89
BioChem Unremarkable except high
ALPCT posterior cranial fossa tumour looks malignant.
Nerosurgens want todo a craniotomy
2. Planned/ Emergency
3.Differential diagnosis Lung mets/ Nerofibromatosis
4.what is the % of Nerofibromatosis becoming malignant
5.What is R/homonymous hemianopia6.Alcohol intake what is the recommendation
How much is a unit of alcohol
7.ECG description
8.CXR description
9.Why MCV high/ Causes of high MCV
10.Why ALP high in this Pt normal billirubin
11.What other investigation you need
12. Will you proceed with the case
13. Principal of neurosurgery
14.What is the position for this surgery
Short Cases
74yRuptured aortic aneurysm while in the ward
What will you do now?How do you resuscitate circulation?
What will you do?
How much blood will you requestHow much will you resuscitate?How do you proceed?
Where will you anaesthetise?Take me through the process?
What induction agent will you use?Difference between Ketamine and Etomidate?What monitoring will you use
Do you need arterial line to start the caseHow do you monitor clotting
What is the principal of thrombo elastogram
When do you expect problems
How do you treat intra operative hypertension
26y Thoraxoscopic
Sympathectomy for hyperhydrosis
What do you see in the CXR- Pneumothorax
What else do you see- Subcutaneous emphysema
How to detect pneumothorax on the tableWhat do you do immediatelyHow do you insert chest drainWhere do you insert
Do you apply suction
25yMytonica Dystrophica
What are featuresMode of inheritanceOnsetWhat are the problems for anaesthetists
What is the principal of anaesthetic managementWhat is pathology associated
Basic science viva
Define Laminar flow/ Turbulant flow
Hagen Poiseulle’s formulae
Factors affecting turbulent flow & howWhat is the relevance to anaesthetistReynaulds number
Variable orifice flow meterPrinciple and relevance
Nerve supply of the foot Femoral nerve root valueRelation ship of those nerve to the ankle Ankle block performanceMaximum dose CalculationComplication
Benzodiazepine action how do they actGABA recetor MidazolamEffects/ Side effects Uses
Continuos infusion
Context sensitive half life define
Normal half life of midazolam
Draw clotting cascadeWhat is the role of the plateletsWhat is the importance of tissue factor
Fibrinolytic system
My viva questions, Dec 06
long case
middle aged Downs man for cataract, very anxious, has ASD, loud P2, XRC with prominent pulmonary veins, ECG with RAd and Rt sided strain, patient SOB.
1. summary would you proceed would cardiologist treat (diuretics)
4. how would you manage GA?
Short clinical scenarios
1. Failed needle toracocentesis for tention pneumothorax XRC
diagnosis, reasons for failure, what would you do next?
2. IVDU for operation- all routine questions from exam books
3. Prone position- all routine questions
Clinical science viva
1. Physiscs- everything about cautery
2. physiology/pharmac- ICT/ how different anaesthetic agents affect ICT?
3. Organ donation issues, neonates?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
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Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wife--out of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one singulair to invest who would listen to him? We looked around at those dull faces, the truthful indices of mean and barren minds, and decided that we would leave that morning.. How's that? That is tramadol the invariable rule, I believe.. The jury turned eagerly to the leaves of the hymn-books, but the larger gaze of the audience remained fixed upon the speaker and the lamisil girl, who sat in rapt admiration of his periods.. He woke bactrim and gazed upon her blankly.. In her phantasy going alone on the street signifies to have fioricet no man and no sexual relations (coire = to go together), and this she does not like.. The elder was laboriously assorting these postscript commissions in his memory, well knowing that to return with any one of them neglected would cause trouble codeine in the family circle.. It is not uncommon that out of some long, complicated and intricate dream one specially lucid part stands out containing unmistakably the realization of a desire, but evista bound up with much unintelligible matter.. and he is surprised that so carisoprodol much attention is devoted in it to the sexual feelings of the child, which makes him think of me.. Smiley, and so I started prozac away.. And when it come to fair and square jumping on a dead level, he could get over more ground at one straddle than any animal of his breed oxycodone you ever see...
And the gentlemen repaired to the counting-house, where the six thousand dollars were paid, and the deeds of the property delivered.. Clever of you, I'm sure, commented Miss Van Kamp, reflectively.. You know Deacon Hawkins isn't asking somebody every day to go sleighing with him.. For Colonel Calhoun was made up as nearly resembling Major Talbot as one pea does another.. Yet, as I gazed and gazed, I felt what stately cities might well have been built upon those shores, and have flashed prosperity over the calm, like coruscations of pearls.. In this connection it may be remarked that this symbolism does not belong peculiarly to the dream, but rather to unconscious thinking, particularly that of the masses, and it is to be found in greater perfection in the folklore, in the myths, legends, and manners of speech, in the proverbial sayings, and in the current witticisms of a nation than in its dreams.. Because I could lick him, easy, said the hopeful Joshua, who knew very well why the master did not undertake him on the spot.. Auchmuty will address you. I don' call to min' any sech name ez that.. We must also steer clear of the distinctions superconscious and subconscious which have found so much favor in the more recent literature on the psychoneuroses, for just such a distinction seems to emphasize the equivalence of the psychic and the conscious.. May I ask to whom you are engaged this evening? Perhaps I know the lady--if so, I should be very much tempted to go and beg you from her.. My charming friend, George Withers, has, I am almost sure, a double, who preaches his afternoon sermons for him.. Psychologists had always been wont to build, in what Bleuler calls autistic ways, that is through methods in no wise supported by evidence, some attractive hypothesis, which sprung from their brain, like Minerva from Jove's brain, fully armed.. They can't turn us out in this high-minded manner! Isn't there a law or something to that effect? It wouldn't matter if there was, he thoughtfully replied. A change can occur only if in some way a feeling of gratification is experienced--which in the case of the child must be through outside help--in order to remove the inner excitement.. Safe? replied the man.. the motive power at the disposal of the repressed wish, but also offer to the unconscious something indispensable, namely, the attachment necessary to the transference.. The resolution of your husband to refuse invitations to supper for the sake of getting thin teaches you that one grows fat on the things served in company.. Lipps gives us the more far-reaching theory that everything psychic exists as unconscious, but that some of it may exist also as conscious.. Major Talbot, sitting quietly, but white with indignation, heard his best stories retold, his pet theories and hobbies advanced and expanded, and the dream of the Anecdotes and Reminiscences served, exaggerated and garbled...
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